GeoWin DTM Prev Page Prev Page
GeoWin DTM
About GeoWin DTM
Release notes
Triangle mesh (TIN)
Triangle mesh
Editing triangle mesh
TIN coloring
3dfaces to triangle mesh
TINs merging
Export coordinates of vertices of TIN
Export breaklines
STL Import/Export
Point grid
Contour lines
Label contours
Longitudinal profiles - cross section
Profile/Cross section
Insert signs of cross section
Grade line editor
Insert slope
Slopes update
Insert spot height
Insert vertical description
Stationing and heights of grade line
Transferring designed grade line of cross section
Vertical curve
Transmitting 3dCurve to longitudinal profile
Transmitting grade line of profile to situation
Transmitting of sample grade line of cross-section to situation
Transfer grade line from situation to cross section
Transferring grade line of longitudinal profile to cross sections
Feature line
HEC-RAS export
Curve tools
Insert vertex to polyline
Insert arc to 2dpolyline
Delete vertex of polyline
Convert arc to 3dpolyline
Convert 2dpolyline to 3dpolyline
Convert objects to closed polyline
3d offset
Change direction of curve
Simplifying of polyline
Placing of curve on terrain
Elevation editor
Survey points
Import coordinates from file
Change of elevations
Export coordinates to file
Find survey point
Insert point coordinates
Edit point
Survey point
Adding multiple points
Exploding points to text
Automatic drawing
Codes for automatic drawing
Calculating volume
Setting out elements of arc
Compute point altitude
2d/3d area
Fall line
Attach raster image
Google Earth
Extented deleting
Concave polygon
Technical hachures
Convert drawing into 3D
Map symbols and lines
3D faces to 3D polylines
Restore menu
Stationing of curve
Automatic drawing with point codes

Code editor

3D drawing offset lines
Units of vertical offset, in what units will altitudes be entered, implicit value 100 (in centimeters)
Horizontal offset, how much it will indent in horizontal direction, implicitly set to 0.02
Offset lines into same layer, determines if indented lines wil be drawn to the same surface as the original, or to surface determined by GeoWin, implicitly 1 (to the same surface)
Draw partitions between offset lines, determines if vertices of indented line will be connected with the original one, implicit value 0 (no drawing)

Function searches constituents contained in searching path of CAD and displays them,

Automatic drawing with point codes

Automatic drawing according to the instructions of line of points is installed in function „Loading points to drawing.“

Function can insert point signs, or draw line of points (line segments, arches) according to the codes in the list of coordinates. 

Every point can contain codes for signs and also for line of points and identificators of action.

Example of a file of coordinates with coding of drawing:

3 741190.970 1033213.471 200.47 SI S OPN15 start of line type SI, and also indents 14cm in height
4 741169.820 1033213.405 199.58 SIA S
5 741190.970 1033161.823 180.69 SI ZO OPN14 start of an arch by line type SI, and also indents 14cm in height
6 741169.371 1033160.650 170.71 SIA ZO
7 741203.568 1033171.531 198.82 BZ CHB S
8 741206.300 1033147.980 198.93 SI OPN12 LA line type SI goes through this point, and is indented 12cm in height and a lamp defined by code LA
9 741183.502 1033137.767 197.04 SIA SIC S line type SIA goes through this point, and the line type SIC starts
10 741227.473 1033143.140 198.15 SI KO CHB arch ends at this point with line type SI, and also sidewalk type line CHB goes through this point
11 741212.927 1033128.612 198.26 SIA KO
12 741258.161 1033171.531 198.37 BZ U CH S SIC line BZ closed, start of line type CH,  line type SIC goes through this point
13 741270.113 1033143.786 199.48 SI CH
14 741267.762 1033129.552 200.59 SIA

User point codes:
where there are codes SI, SIA there is the line of the road, code BZ is a walled building, LA is a code for a sign of lamp, codes CH and CHB are for sidewalk. Unknown codes will be asked about by the function and it will replenish them to registers. Codes can be written in the lines of BZ.1 BZ.2 etc. Function will take over settings from original code.

Sample data file with coordinates is placed in the file GeoWin DTM.

Control codes ( identifiers of action ):

S, starting of drawing of new line of points must be introduced by code of line, e.g.: SI S, where SI is a code for road line, if not listed as another identificator ZO, line segment is drawn, if listed, drawing of arch begins, Function searches for and then connects all points with code (in this case) SI, until the end of file or a line with a start of the same lineidentificator (SI S).

SK, starting point of curve (polyline2D/3D, according to settings), then everything same as in identificator S

U, to close, draws line segment/curve z bodu u kterého je tento identifikátor, k nejbližšímu pøedchozímu bodu s identifikátorem akce S nebo SK (oba musí mít samozøejmì stejný kód linie)

ZO, starting point of the arch,drawing of arch begins with this point, this identificator can be set along with identificator S

O, drawing of the arch is complete

ZK, starting point of circle, circle is not involved in preceding or following actions which means: if circle has the same code of line as the preceding one, then a line of points is not drawn from the preceding point to the point with code of the circle, it is the same as if the point would have an identificator of action S.

KK, ending of circle, if a point is defined in instructions between ZK and KK, function creates circle so it would go through these three points, if there are only ZK and KK in instructions, function creates circle sopoint with code ZK iscenter of circle and radius is defined by point with code KK, if continuing line of same code as the circle it is necessary to assign identificator of action S

TX, inserts text defined by user into the drawing, after this identificator, e.g. TXHello (no space!), inserts text „Hello“ to the drawing.

OPN,OPD,OLN,OLD, are identificators for position and height indentation of line/curve. After this identificator value of height change must follow, e.g. OPN15 marks offset on the right side and 15cm up in height, OLD15 would mark offset on the left and 15cm down in height. Position indentation is read from current template (Section Setting enviroment, item Indentation of coordinates). Units for height indentation are preset to cm (section Setting enviroment, item of unit Indentation). If height indentation is defined by value 0, then the horizontal indentation also equals to 0 in this point. As soon as height indentation is defined, it is valid until next change or until code with 0 value.

DO, replenishes the last 3linked points to a rectangle (line, curve).

Arches can be drawn by two points(is then drawn as tangent to the line drawn last), or by an arbitrary number of points- the first three points are drawn as an arch and others astangential to previous arch. It is suitable for the identificators to be close to each other during actions for lines and code for point signs to be in the beginning or in the end. E.g.: BZ S OPD14 SI OPN12 LA, in this point there will be two lines with indentation and a point sign will be placed. Another possibility how to write this code is LA BZ S OPD14 SI OPN12, or BZ S OPD14 LA SI OPN12. BZ S LA OPN15 is not possible, identificator of indentation is no longer assigned to BZ line, but to lamp!

Length of all codes per line is limited to 50 characters (including spaces) and 20 codes maximum (except from identificators of action - those are automatically assigned to the code by function)

Two arches cannot be assigned to one line just next to each other, there has to be at least one line segment in between them, practically meaning that identificators ZO KO cannot follow after code of line. E.g. SI ZO KO, where SI is code of line, is unacceptable, but SI ZO BZ KO is possible; where BZ is code of walled building.

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